8点の石板はその後ばらばらになり、現在はケルンの東アジア美術館、パリのギメ美術館、ボストン美術館、ワシントンD. C.のフリーア・ギャラリーに分かれて所蔵されています。
At the beginning of the 20th century, eight stone slabs decorated with reliefs left China. The situation around their discovery is unclear, but it is said that they were found in Anyang, Henan province. Subsequently, the eight slabs were separated; they are now held in the Museum of East Asian Art of Cologne, the Guimet Museum in Paris, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and the Freer Gallery of Art in Washington D. C..
Previous studies of the slabs have shown that they could be parts of a funerary bed of the Sogdians buried near Anyang during the Northern Qi period. Since 1999 archeological excavations in China have revealed several tombs of the Sogdians built in the latter half of the 6th century. In some graves, bodies were placed on a stone bed, and stone panels were put on three sides of the bed. The surfaces of the panels were decorated with careful painted reliefs.
Discoveries of these Sogdian tombs have confirmed that the eight slabs attributed to Anyang were originally parts of a stone bed for bodies. Now the slabs are stored separately in different museums, and it is quite difficult to assemble and restore them to original form. Under such conditions, Kansai University has decided to produce a 3-D model of the funerary bed, with the cooperation of the Museum of East Asian Art of Cologne, the Guimet Museum, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and the Freer Gallery of Art.
The three slabs of the Freer Gallery of Art constituted the front and the both sides of the bed pedestal. The three panels of the Guimet Museum and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts were placed at the left and the rear on the bed. The pair of gateposts of Cologne might be placed at the front on the bed. As the right panel does not exist any more, it was reproduced on the basis of the left panel. Neither the rear side of the bed pedestal, nor panels and crossbeams that supported bodies exist today. These were reproduced on the basis of other Sogdian funerary beds.
In the reliefs, the tomb owner appears in varied scenes: he is sitting in house face-to-face with his wife, drinking under the grapevine trellis with his companions, playing a musical instrument, going on horseback with his servants. These depictions mirror the luxurious and lively life of the Sogdian immigrants in China.